Security alarm and CCTV: No need for monitoring
5 August 2019

Why is a security system so important for your business?
The idea of CCTV cameras has primarily been to provide a level of assurance and security to yourself, your staff and your customers. That is largely achieved by CCTV cameras working as a highly effective crime deterrent for potential theft, break-ins or vandalism. Safety and CCTV cameras are usually thought of as going hand in hand, however the following are a few uses you possibly haven’t considered when it comes to CCTV cameras.
Monitor your business
Having a CCTV camera system in place is a great way to monitor your business. If you are working from home or are away from the office, you can remotely monitor the activity throughout your business to ensure all is going smoothly. This remote monitoring is done from an app on your smart device, whereby you can see the status of your alarm (whether your alarm is on or off), view any of the cameras throughout your business and see what zones are active at any point in time.
Maximize employee productivity
Similarly, CCTV cameras can also help maximise employee productivity. CCTV cameras often create and encourage discipline for your employees. This can likely promote better work ethic for your staff and in turn optimise productivity and efficiency.
Workplace compliance and WHS
CCTV cameras can also be used as a safeguard for a lot of compliance and workplace health and safety issues. A valuable benefit of having a CCTV camera is to be able to verify incidents throughout the workplace. Whether that be checking if an employee was following company policy or correct safety procedures, having a record of staff activity can prove to be very beneficial.
Do you need help with a security or CCTV solution? Speak with a Telrexpert today. Contact us.